Base Wework: Create a task in

Đã sửa đổi vào: Mon, 2 Tháng 12, 2024 lúc 12:47 SA

To create a new task, go to Base Wework and follow the instructions below:

- Step 1: On the Task tab or a specific team/project, select Create a new task

- Step 2: Fill in task information

+ Task name: enter short text, maximum 155 characters

+ Choose the task assignee: 1 task only chooses 1 assignee 

+ Select the corresponding Team/ Project/Tasklist

+ Due date: Select the deadline by which the task must be completed

+ Description: enter detailed description of the task

+ Custom data fields: for teams/projects with settings, click expand to fill in content in these data fields

+ You can also add attachments, labels/tags, followers, select files from Base Drive, link to Milestones

- Step 3: Then, click Create task to complete the operation.

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