Base Wework: Create repeated tasks in

Đã sửa đổi vào: Mon, 2 Tháng 12, 2024 lúc 1:15 SA

To help you create tasks repeated on a fixed schedule every day, week, month, year without having to create them manually, you can set up a repeated task according to the following instructions:

Step 1: Access or Base Wework on the app bar.

Step 2:Click on Home >> Repeated tasks >> Add

Step 3: Fill in the details to set up the repeated task

  • Task Name: Enter task name

  • Start Date: The date the repeated task is started.

  • End Date: The date the repeated task will no longer be automatically generated.

  • Frequency: Choose the settings according to the repetition needs: Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly. For each cycle you choose, the detailed settings about time, loop, and loop conditions will be different.  (For details, refer to the 4 examples of 4 cycles below)

  • Cycle: The task will repeat after how many days/weeks/months/years.

  • Project & Team: Select the Project/Team that contains this job.

  • Tasklist: Select a tasklist in the team/project above to classify the work.

  • Assign to: @tag username of the member assigned the task, 1 task is only assigned to 1 member (username taken from Base Account)

  • Deadline: This section will be used to set the deadline for the work to be completed, calculated by hours, starting from 00:00 on the day of the repeated task.

For example, if the task repeats on Monday and has a deadline of 3:30 p.m. on the same day, the deadline is 15.5. If the deadline is 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, the deadline is 39.5 (=15.5 +24).

  • Followers: @tag default follower username when job is generated.

  • Task Description: Fill in the job description.

  • Status: Enabled/Disabled.

  • Label list: select labels (tags) corresponding to the label list set up in the above department/project.

  • Advanced options: can set up Subtasks, Todos to be automatically generated with the parent task. Each line is 1 subtask, 1 todo.

Step 4 : After setting up all the information, select Create to complete the setup.  


  • When setup is successful, the system will automatically generate a task for the nearest day that satisfies the set cycle conditions.

  • The time the system generates recurring jobs will be calculated as follows: the repeated task on the (n+1)th day will be generated at 7:00 a.m. on the day of the nth recurring job. Once the conditions are set, you can view the last 10 days of automatically generated tasks here:


a. Daily repeating cycle:

- Task name: Periodic survey check

- Cycle: 7, meaning the cycle repeats within 7 days

- Which day in the cycle: 2.5; that is, the 2nd and 5th day of the 7-day cycle will have repeated work. 

For example, today 21/10/2024 is Monday - starting to initiate work, so the 2nd day of the cycle is Tuesday (22/10), the 5th day of the cycle is Friday (25/10).

- Time for the system to automatically generate work:

+ Initialization successful, system generates job on Tuesday (22/10)

+ 7am Tuesday (22/10) automatically create task for Friday (25/10) and 7am on Friday (25/10)

automatically create task for next Tuesday (29/10) work and the same for the following days.

Similarly, the task can be flexibly set up according to the needs by changing the Cycle and the Day of the cycle.

b. Weekly repetition cycle:

- Task name: 5S every Saturday

- Cycle: 2; that is, repeat the work once every 2 weeks

- Which week in the cycle: 1; that is, the job was born in the 1st week of the above cycle. Week 1 is calculated according to the Start Date.

- Which day of the week: Choose the day that has the most repeated work during the week, you can choose multiple.

- Automatic job generation time:

+ Initialization successful, system generates Saturday job (November 4)

+ 7am Saturday gives birth to Saturday work (November 18) and similar to the following days.

Similarly, you can flexibly set up the work according to your needs by changing the Loop and which Week in the cycle, which Day of the week.

c. Monthly cycle:

- Task name 1:  Regular meetings on the 15th and last day of the month

- Cycle: 1, meaning the job is repeated every month (eg fill in 2 meaning it repeats every 2 months)  

- Condition type: Month - Day of the month, set up Which day of the month : select the day that the job repeats (eg select the 15th and the last day of the month) 

+ When selecting the Last day: month has 28, 30, 31 days, the default last day will correspond to the 28th, 30th or 31st day of that month.

+ When selecting the 31st day: if the month has 28 or 30 days, the system will ignore it and not generate any repetitive tasks.

Example 2:  Review KPI periodically on the first and third Monday of the month

- Cyclw: 1; means the work is repeated every month (eg fill in 2 means it repeats every 2 months)

- Condition type: Month - Day of the week, additional setup required:

+ Which day of the week : Monday, Tuesday...Sunday 

+ Which time of the month : as the photo shows, the first Monday of the month and the third Monday of the month, counting from the Start Date 

Similarly, the task can be flexibly set up according to the needs by changing the Cycle, Condition Type.

d. Annual cycle:

- Task name: Performance review on the 5th of every quarter (first month of the quarter)

- Cycle: 1; that is, the work is repeated every year

- Condition type: Year - specific date/ Year - Month - Day of the month/ Year - Month - Day of the week.

For this problem, select Year - Month - Day of the month and set up more:
+ Which month of the year: January, April, July, October

+ What day of the month: 5th

* NOTE: for all circumstances, note the Start Date to select the Period and set the correct conditions.    

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