Base Wework: Enter information into Custom Fields in

Đã sửa đổi vào: Tue, 17 Tháng 12, 2024 lúc 1:48 CH

To enter information into custom fields, go to and follow these instructions:

1.  When creating a new task:

2. With created jobs:

  • In List view/ Board view/ Stream view:

- In the job details screen, in the custom data field that needs to be filled in/edited, move the mouse to the end of the line of that information field and Edit will appear.

- When the popup appears, fill in the information and select Save to complete the operation.

  • In Gantt view (project only)

- In the task list, the system defaults to Gantt view, which will not display custom data fields.

- If you want to display, you need to select the  Show custom field tab,  then the system will immediately display the pre-set data fields.

- Click on the box you need to fill in information

- When the popup appears, fill in the information and select Save to complete the operation.

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