Base Wework: Export tasks of multiple teams/projects at the same time in

Đã sửa đổi vào: Tue, 3 Tháng 12, 2024 lúc 2:08 SA

To export tasks of multiple teams/projects at the same time, visit or click on Base Wework on the app menu bar.

1. Export tasks of multiple team/projects in a Department

Step 1.  Click on Department > Select the Department you want to export tasks from > Select the "..." sign > Select Export tasks of multiple projects/teams into excel file

Step 2.  Select the time period, team/project you want to export

2. Export tasks from multiple teams/projects in Project and team tab

Select Project & team > Select "..." > Select Export tasks of multiple projects/teams into excel file


- Only system owner and app admin have the right to export tasks from multiple teams/projects at the same time.

- Supports exporting up to 500 teams/projects, 3000 tasks and 5000 sub-tasks.

- When exporting tasks, users can choose whether to export with subtasks, custom fields or not.

- Tasks can be exported by Date Created, Time Executed or Duration.

+ If filtering by Execution time:

  • Enter both start time (S) and end time (E): the result will return tasks created before S + not completed; created before S and completed after E; created or completed in the range S > E
  • Enter only start time (S): the result will return unfinished or completed task + completion time from S onwards
  • Enter only the end time (E): the result returns the task created from E back to t

+ If filtering by Duration:

  • Enter both start time (S) and end time (E): the result will return tasks with durations in the range S > E
  • Enter only start time (S): results return tasks with duration from S and later
  • Enter only end time (E): results in tasks with deadlines from E and earlier

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