Base Wework: My Tasks in

Sửa đổi trên: Mon, 9 Tháng 12, 2024 tại 4:24 CH

My Tasks - is designed to help users quickly track the status, urgency, and deadline of tasks related to themselves. In addition, My Tasks focuses on classifying tasks according to my role, helping both employees and managers easily focus on tracking progress and evaluating work in 

accordance with their roles.

To access My Tasks, click on the Wework icon from the apps menu or visit the link: and click on My Tasks in the Summary section. 

A. Operations that can be performed directly on the My Tasks screen

1. Create new task2. Tick complete/uncomplete the task

3. Edit Start Date/ Task Duration

4. Edit Task Assignee

5. Change custom filter 

B. Logic and application

My Tasks lists all tasks (including tasks and subtasks) related to me and includes 3 main features:

I. Classify work according to my role

The tasks are classified into 3 groups based on  My Role,  and divided into 3 tabs, making it easy 

for users to quickly track the tasks I play as:  Assigned to me ,  I assign ,  Tracking  and tasks  In 

the project I can see all the tasks

- Assigned to me:  Contains jobs that have me as the recipient (jobs assigned to me)

- Assigned by me:  Contains tasks that I assign and tasks that I authorize others to assign.

- Following:  Contains the tasks I am tracking (not including tasks I assign and have assigned to me)

-  In the project I can see all the work:  Contains the work in the projects that I am authorized to see.

II. Group by: group tasks of the same nature together based on a value field, helping users 

quickly track tasks according to appropriate subgroups.

For example, grouping by Deadline is based on the duration value of each task to divide into 

groups.Currently My tasks are divided into 6 types of Groups as follows:

1. Deadline: group based on the Deadline of each task:

- Past: The task had a term in the past compared to the present time

Today : Tasks with deadlines today

Tomorrow : Work due tomorrow

Next 7 Days : Tasks due in the next 7 days from tomorrow (but not including tomorrow's tasks to avoid overlapping with the Tomorrow group)

Future : Job due in 7 days >> For example: Today is the 10th, then tasks in the 7 days to come group have deadlines from the 12th to the 17th (excluding the 11th, because they are already in the Tomorrow group) and tasks in the Future group are from the 18th onwards.

- Without date: Tasks that have no deadline

2. Status: group based on status

- Doing : Tasks that have a start date set in the past, in all three states “To Do”, “In Progress” and “Overdue”

- Waiting for review : Jobs in “Under review” status - waiting for review

- Completed : Completed work includes both “Completed” on time and “Completed late” after the deadline.

3. Start Date: group based on the start date of the job

- Before : Task with start date from yesterday or earlier

- Today : The task has a start date of today.

- Tomorrow : The task has a start date of tomorrow.

- Next 7 Days : Tasks with a start date in the next 7 days from tomorrow (but not including tomorrow's task)

- In the future : The task has a start date in 7 days.

- Uncategorized : Task has no start date

4. Assigner: the group relies on the person assigning the work. 

5. Assignee: group based on who receives and executes the work

- Group by Assignee - Assign to me

- Group by Assignee - In the project I can view all the tasks

6. Project: Project/Team based grouping of tasks

III. Custom view - allows to create new view types and save customizations in each view

1. Add new view:  similar to adding a bookmark for quickly viewing a new view that users can 

design themselves according to their needs.

When accessing My Tasks, the system will create 3 default tabs: Assign to me, I assign, Tracking 

=> Customers can create a new view by selecting  + Add view , then fill in the information fields 

you want to display in the new view:

  • View name

  • Select view type : Table, Timeline, Calendar

  • Task scope : Assign to me, Assign by me, Following, In projects I can view all tasks

Can:  Rename/Duplicate/Delete view  but does not support changing view format (when 

duplicating, it will simultaneously create a new view with the same table/gantt/schedule format as 

the current view - if you want to change the view format, you need to create a view with a new 

view format.

2. Save customizations in each view's customization set

Custom set includes: Time, Last Updated, Status, Project, Group By, and Assigned To (Classify 

work by role)

When using the customization set to arrange, group, and filter necessary information for easy tracking, you can save these customizations without having to re-select after F5 or exiting the page, saving time and reducing operations. Combined with the Create new view feature, you can create countless types of views as desired and needed.

When you select Clear edited actions, the filter will return to its original default state.

3. View types:

Table format: is the default view in available views such as Assign to me/ I assign/ Tracking. Work information is displayed in each column.

Progress format (Gantt): displays tasks in specific progress each day - month. Can view up to 12 months: 6 most recent months in the past and 6 months in the future compared to the current viewing date.

Calendar format: displays tasks according to monthly schedule. Calendar view will not display full start date, task recipient name => need to click on the task to see detailed information. 

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