Base Request: How to create table custom field in
Đã sửa đổi vào: Thu, 14 Tháng 11, 2024 lúc 4:30 CH
To add a table custom field to the request form, you visit >> Settings page >> All request groups >> Select the request group which you want to add the custom field.Next, in the Request Form tab, you can choose one of two ways: create directly or create using Excel.
Method 1: Create directly on the system
Step 1: Select the Add buttonStep 2: Select "Input Type" as Table and set up the table information:
Input description: You type the columns inorder here
- Each column information includes the title and the column sizes according to the syntax: Title (1)
Where 1 ~ 100px (column width), can be filled in decimal format (e.g., 1.5 ~ 150px)
- Press Enter to add new columns.
- For columns that you want to set as a selection type, the syntax is: Title [A,B] (1)
Where A and B are the list of options, and the options must be separated by commas.
Click Add new input to complete.
Method 2: Import table custom fields from Excel:
Step 1: Download the sample Excel file by clicking on View template here:
Step 2: Enter data into the Excel fileName: Field name
Type: input-table (to select a table-type data field)
Content: Enter similarly to direct creating
The input key section can be left blank; after uploading, the system will automatically generate an input key for each field.
Step 3: After entering the data, you will upload this file to the system by dragging and dropping the Excel file into the Request Form section.
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