Base Request: Change the approval flow in the request group in

Đã sửa đổi vào: Tue, 19 Tháng 11, 2024 lúc 2:56 CH

In a request group, there are the following types of approval flows:
- Parallel: no distinction between prior or subsequent approval. When all approvals are granted, the request is approved.
- Sequential: Approvers must act in order; whoever is tagged first in the approval flow will be the first to approve. The first reviewer approves, then the next reviewer takes their turn.
- One approver: as long as one person approves, the request is fully accepted.

- In case of rejection: if just one person rejects it, the request will be completely rejected in any type of approval flow.

To edit the approval flow in a request group, follow these instructions:
Step 1: Access >> select Customize (gear icon) and click on the request group you want to edit.

Step 2: In the General Setting page, scroll down to set up the Approval Flow >> Select the appropriate approval flow according to your needs.

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