Base E-Hiring: Set Up Position in
Đã sửa đổi vào: Fri, 27 Tháng 12, 2024 lúc 10:34 CH
Job positions at Hiring belong to departments, allowing you to pre-create positions that need to be recruited within the company and create recruitment plans/proposals for these positions.
To create a position at Hiring, you can access Base E-Hiring through the app menu or go to the link - then follow the steps below:
Step 1: Select "System Settings" >> choose Position tab
>> Select "Add Position" in the department which contains that position.
If you have no department, create new departments following this instructions: HERE
Fill in the detailed information of the position.
- Position name (required): cannot create duplicate names between positions
- Position code (optional): Write without spaces, without special characters, cannot be duplicated Position code
- Department (required): Displayed as a list, allowing the selection of one department already set up in the system
- Salary from/ Salary to: "Salary from" must be less than or equal to "Salary to"
Currency: choose one from the available units
- Description
- Owners: tag @username of the manager who can create a recruitment proposal for the position
- People who can create offer request: tag @username of the people who have permission to create offer request for the candidate of this position
- Followers: tag @username of default followers who are added as followers for the recruitment proposal for this position.
Step 3: Select "Save" to create a new position.
After creating it, you will have the position as shown in the image:
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