Base E-Hiring: How to set up Candidate Rejection Reasons in

Đã sửa đổi vào: Tue, 31 Tháng 12, 2024 lúc 1:05 CH

You access or the Base E-hiring icon on the app menu bar, then follow the instructions below:


Step 1 : On the E-Hiring home screen, select "Rejection reason options" in the "Customize" section.

In addition, the system will create 2 default reasons: Other, Not meet mandatory requirement

For Candidates who were rejected before setting Reason, the system will default to Other reason.

>> These 2 reasons cannot be deleted/edited.

Step 2 : Create a new Rejection Reason

Select "Add new rejection reason"  >> Fill in reason

So when rejecting a candidate, the system will display an additional pop-up to select the Rejection Reason created earlier.

Note : 

+ If the selected person is System Owner/HR Manager, a quick option "Add new rejection reason" will appear (As shown)

+ Need to be System Owner or HR Manager to set Candidate Rejection Reason.

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