Base Wework: Introduction about Base Wework in

Đã sửa đổi vào: Sat, 30 Tháng 11, 2024 lúc 11:28 SA

I. General introduction:

The first platform in Vietnam to apply the essence of famous management models in the world to solve the problem of managing business work and projects.

The 4 core values that Wework promotes are:

- Easy collaboration: Collaboration is no longer difficult when all features are necessary have been integrated on a common platform.

- Visual progress: Actively update progress anytime, anywhere, supporting managers make appropriate strategies through short-term forecasts.

- Flexible management: Whether it is short-term or long-term work, internal or community projects cooperating with customers, we are also ready to respond.

- Automatic reporting: Any changes related to the project will be recorded and summarized into real-time automated reports.

II. Feature Table of Contents:

1. Authorization


Permission to Create new Project/Team

Authorization in Wework 

2. Department


Create a Department

3. Department/project

a. Create 

Distinguish between Department and Project

Create a new Team

Create a new Project

Create team/project from template on Base Template

b. Basic setup

Set up role permissions in departments/projects

Set managers/members for project/team

Add custom field

Import custom fields from excel file

Set up email notifications in projects/teams

Set milestones in team/project

Duplicate a Project/Team

Open/Close a Project/Team

Delete a Team/Project

c. Other settings

Change project/team type

Select the priority department/project to display on the menu

Set permissions to team/projects

Owner added as project/team manager

Owner views all teams/projects on the system

4. Tasklist

Create a tasklist

Edit/Delete a Tasklist

Arrange Tasklist position

Close/Open a Tasklist

5. Task

a. Create and assign tasks 

Create a task

Create a subtask

How to create a subtask

Create repeated tasks 

Create Dependency Task

 Create tasks for multi people

Assign task to external person

Delegate Tasks to Others

Update Task Results

b. Edit task

Edit task information

Edit Task Description

 Edit task deadlines

Enter information into Custom Fields

c. Other operations on the task

Create checklist in a task

Add a task to your Google/iOS Calendar

Add Followers

 Remove a Follower

Duplicate a task

Duplicate a task into a different project/team

Move a task to a group

Remove a task

d. Advanced settings with tasks

Set up work completion time in hours

Set up job viewing permissions in each department/project

Set up job review feature before completion

Set up job evaluations for each job group

Set up subtask display in department/project

Set up job information editing with job recipients

Set job deletion permissions 

Set up Dependency 

e. Import, Export tasks

Update task start/completion time from excel file

Export custom fields to Excel

Export Gantt chart to Excel

Export tasks with Table data

Export tasks to Excel

Export tasks from multiple teams/projects at once

6. Report

How to track the work progress of your direct employees

Member Report

System report

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